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2024-02-18 文字:  点击:[]












2017.9-2021.1中国科学院大学 国家纳米科学中心 凝聚态物理 博士


2024.2-至今   beat365唯一官方网站 特聘研究员

2011.8-2024.2 国家纳米科学中心 实习研究员、助理研究员、副研究员










Ø 低维量子材料制备、物性及器件研究

Ø 室温单电子器件、微纳发光器件

Ø 电子功能材料应用研究


Ø beat365唯一官方网站高层次人才引进科研启动项目(2024.3-2028.3)主持

Ø 北京市自然科学基金面上项目(2024.1-2027.12)主持

Ø 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2021.1-2023.12)主持


1. Yanqi Mu, Jia Yang, Guancai Xie, Zhenxing Wang*, Beidou Guo* and Jian Ru Gong*. Homo-type α-In2Se3/PdSe2 Ferroelectric van der Waals Heterojunction Photodetectors with High-performance and Broadband, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, accepted.

2. Hongfeng Wan; Weixuan Li; Xiaoqing Ma;Yanqi Mu; Guancai Xie; Mengshan Li; Beidou Guo*; Jian Ru Gong*. 3 nm-Channel MoS2 Transistors by Electromigration of Metal Interconnection. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2023, 5, 1, 247-254. 

3. Mengshan Li; Xiaoqing Ma; Yanqi Mu; Guancai Xie; Hongfeng Wan; Minli Tao*; Beidou Guo*; Jianru Gong*. A facile covalent strategy for ultrafast negative photoconductance hybrid graphene/porphyrin-based photodetector. Nanotechnology, 2023, 34, 085201.

4. Guancai Xie, Beidou Guo, Jan Ru Gong, Metal Oxide/Graphene/Metal Sandwich Structure for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2210420.

5. Binfeng Yin, Yongzhi Wang, Guancai Xie, Beidou Guo,* and Jian Ru Gong*Memristors based on TiOx/HfOx or AlOx/HfOx Multilayerswith Gradually Varied ThicknessPhys. Status Solidi RRL 2021, 15(6), 2000607. 

6. Liangqiu Tian , Qi Xin, Chang Zhao, Guancai Xie, Muhammad Zain Akram, Wenrong Wang, Renping Ma, Xinrui Jia, Beidou Guo*, Jian Ru Gong*, Nanoarrays for artiticial photosynthesis. Small 2021, 2006530. 

7. Xiaoqing Ma, Yanqi Mu, Guancai Xie, Hongfeng Wan, Weixuan Li, Mengshan Li, Haitao Dai*, Beidou Guo*, Jian Ru Gong*, Modification of interface and electronic transport in van der Waals heterojunctions by UV/O3, Nanotechnology 2021, 32, 415703. 

8. Beidou Guo#; Aisha Batool#; Guancai Xie; Rajender Boddula; Liangqiu Tian; Saad Ullah Jan; Jian Ru Gong*. Facile Integration between Si and Catalyst for High-Performance Photoanodes by a Multifunctional Bridging Layer. Nano Letters, 2018, 18(2): 1516-1521. 

9. Qi Xin; Hameed Shah; Asmat Nawaz; Wenjing Xie; Muhammad Zain Akram; Aisha Batool; Liangqiu Tian; Saad Ullah Jan; Rajender Boddula; Beidou Guo*; Qian Liu; Jian Ru Gong*. Antibacterial Carbon-Based Nanomaterials. Advanced Materials, 2018, 1804838. 

10. Beidou Guo; Qian Liu; Erdan Chen; Hewei Zhu; Liang Fang; Jianru Gong*. Controllable N-doping of Graphene. Nano Letters, 2010, 10(12): 4975-4980. 

11. Chang Zhao#, Beidou Guo#, Jinlong Gong*, Jian Ru Gong*, et al. Metal Sputtering Buffer Layer for High Performance Si-Based Water Oxidation Photoanode. ACS Applied Energy Material, 2020, 3: 8216-8223.

12. Guancai Xie; Kai Zhang; Beidou Guo; Qian Liu; Liang Fang; Jianru Gong*, Graphene-based materials for hydrogen generation from light-driven water splitting. Advanced Materials 2013, 25 (28), 3820-3839.

13. Qian Liu; Beidou Guo; Ziyu Rao; Baohong Zhang; Jianru Gong*, Strong two-photon-induced fluorescence from photostable, biocompatible nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots for cellular and deep-tissue imaging. Nano Letters 2013, 13 (6), 2436-2441.

14. Beidou Guo; Liang Fang*; Baohong Zhang; Jianru Gong*. Doping Effect on Shift of Threshold Voltage of Graphene-Based Field-Effect Transistors. Electronics Letters, 2011, 47(11): 663-664. 

15. Qin Li; Beidou Guo; Jiaguo Yu*; Baohong Zhang; Huijuan Yan; Jianru Gong*, Highly Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production of CdS-Cluster-Decorated Graphene Nanosheets. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133 (28), 10878-10884.



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